Mote Chapter 6: Immanentize
A downloadable game
Come see Mote's grand finale! Immanentize, the final chapter of our story, is a walk around adventure made in rpgmaker vx ace. Look at all these exciting features!
- WALK through the halls of the Eschaton!
- TALK to the various inhabitants!
- FIGHT the foes within!
- CHOOSE how your story ends!
Mote Chapter 6 features music from various artists! Songs by Max Knightley of Eidolon Playtest, vivi mouse, Ghostgrind Goddexx, Cosmoptera, Joan Stein, and Me!
If you haven't read MOTE check it out here > https://mspfa.com/?s=57767
If the RTP for rpgmaker vx ace doesn't run automatically you can install it here> https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/run-time-package
The game includes opportunities to remind you what happened for returning readers.
The entire game takes between 1 to 2 hours to complete with plenty of savepoints to make sure you very rarely lose progress! Don't expect a terribly difficult experience, I made encounters to be interesting but very brute forcible.
Install instructions
Download and run from the twitch app.
Or if you're using a browser download the zip file, unzip, then launch the executable.
Development log
- MOTE CHAPTER 6 IS OUTNov 19, 2024
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